Leicester Mercury report: Up to 2,000 jobs could be created at new business park Optimus Point at Glenfield

Posted: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 16:00

Leicester Mercury report: Up to 2,000 jobs could be created at new business park Optimus Point at Glenfield

The Leicester Mercury reports on the positive economic impact being brought to Glenfield by Wilson Bowden Developments' Optimus Point scheme. Read more at the Leicester Mercury website.

It goes on to mention the approval of detailed plans for the first two warehouses, totalling 480,000 sq ft, backed by M&G Real Estate.

A Blaby District Council spokeswoman continues by stating that these two units alone could create 500 distribution jobs, and make up a quarter of the eventual total of the 2,000 jobs that Optimus Point is set to provide.

For further information about the site, please contact Sebastian Foster | T: 01530 276276 | E: sebastian.foster@wilsonbowden.co.uk

Tags: Blaby District Council, Glenfield, Housing, Industrial, Leicester, Offices, Optimus Point, Warehouse