Spec units start on site at Kingsway!

Posted: Mon, 9 Apr 2018 10:30

Spec units start on site at Kingsway!

Construction has started today for 11 industrial speculative units, ranging in size from 3,000 sq ft to 15,000sq ft at Kingsway Business Park, Rochdale, Greater Manchester.

This represents the next phase of development at Kingsway Business Park in Rochdale on behalf of the Kingsway Partnership – a joint venture between the Rochdale Development Agency, Rochdale Borough Council, Homes England and Wilson Bowden.

The £6 million scheme, designed by DLA Architects aims to achieve practical completion by Spring 2019, with the units available to rent from completion.

Kingsway Business Park is one of the country's most successful business parks in the North West comprising 420 acres of mixed use land and is currently home to a number of occupiers including JD Sports, Asda, Source Bioscience and most recently, Cleland McIver Lifestyle. Strategically situated at junction 21 of the M62, Kingsway also benefits from a dedicated Metrolink stop making it highly accessible to a large and skilled workforce.

Damian Cooke, Operations Director of Rochdale Development Agency, comments:

"Kingsway Business Park has already attracted big brand names such as JD Sports, which has recently extended its operations here by a further 630,000 sq ft. However, an equal priority for the Partnership is to address the requirements from local and regional occupiers.

Our in-house teams carried out extensive research and after speaking to both local and national agents we realised that there was a gap in the market for units under 20,000 sq ft. We are confident that these units will generate a great deal of interest and in turn, further boost the local and region's economy."

For further information about the site and potential letting opportunities, please contact Robert Grafton | T: 01530 276276 | E: robert.grafton@wilsonbowden.co.uk

Tags: Greater Manchester, Industrial, Kingsway Business Park, Logistics, Offices, Rochdale, Speculative, Warehouse